Coder . Developer






定义$L$​​​​​为建模单元集,建模单元可以是字符,如英文字母{a,b,c…,z},可以是音素,也可以是汉字。为了对静音、字间停顿、字间混淆进行建模,CTC引入了额外的空白符标签blank“-”,并把建模单元集$L$​​​​扩展为$L^{‘}$​​​​(即$L^{‘}=L\bigcup blank $​​​​​)。在识别的最后通过将空白符剔除得到规整的字符序列作为识别结果。

假设训练集为$S$​​​​,每个样本$(X,Y)$​​​​由输入序列$X={x_1,x_2,…,x_T}$​​​​和输出序列$Y=y_1,y_2,…,y_U$​​​​组成,其中$X$为音频($x_t$为第$t$帧音频特征),$Y$为标注序列,$T$为输入序列的长度,$U$则是输出序列的长度,$Y$的每个标注来自于建模单元集$L$(对于中文建模单元一般为汉字),CTC的训练目标是是$X$和$Y$尽量匹配,即最大化后验概率$P(Y\mid X)$​​​​​​,输入的序列经过解码之后,通过CTC衡量其和正确的序列是否接近。

我们提到过上述的最终真实输出序列$Y$其实是经过规整过后的字符串序列,那么序列$Y$可能是通过各种CTC路径$A_{ctc}(X,Y)$ 规整后生成的,这些路径包含了标注重复与空白标签blank的各种可能组合,例如,对于输出序列abc,$T=6$时,其可能由以下CTC路径生成:

  • aabbbc

  • abbccc

  • a-bbb-c

  • -a-b-c

  • -abb-c



\[P(Y\mid X)=\sum_{\hat{Y}\in A_{ctc}(X,Y)}P(\hat{Y}\mid X) \tag{1.1}\]



\[P(\hat{Y}\mid X) = \prod_{t=1}^TP(\hat{y}_t\mid x_t),\forall \hat{Y}\in{L^{'T}} \tag{1.2}\]

其中,$\hat{y}$​​​表示路径 $\hat{Y}$​​​在$t$​​​时刻的输出标签($L^{’}$​中的一个),$P(\hat{y}_t\mid x_t)$​是其对应的输出概率。则上式表示整条CTC路径$\hat{Y}$​的出现概率为从$1$​到$T$​每个时刻输出概率的乘积。


\[p_t^k=\frac{e^{h_t^k}}{\sum_{k=1}^Ke{h_t^k}} \tag{1.3}\]

对于在某个时刻的输出$\hat{y}_t$​ ,根据其在建模单元集的索引选择$K$个输出值的其中一个,如果对应的索引为3,则其值为$p_t^3$,即$P(\hat{y}_t\mid x_t)=p_t^3$​​。

基于输入序列$X$,CTC的某条对齐路径$\hat{Y}$的输出概率$P(\hat{Y}\mid X)$​​完整的计算过程如下图所示:

针对输入序列$X={x_1,x_2,…x_T}$​​,令其每一帧分别通过RNN模型得到隐藏层输出${h_1^{\hat{y}_1},h_2^{\hat{y}_2},…h_T^{\hat{y}_T}}$​​,再通过softmax转换得到每一帧的输出概率$p_t^{\hat{y}_t}$​​,再将这些概率连乘得到$P(\hat{Y}\mid X)$​​,即公式(1.2)​​

又因为$X$​与$Y$​之间可能有多条对齐路径,分别单独计算概率后,将所有可能路径概率相加得到总的后验概率$P(Y\mid X)$​,即公式(1.1)​​

CTC Loss计算


\[L(S)=-\sum_{(X,Y)\in S}lnP(Y\mid X) \tag{1.4}\]

CTC训练优化的目标是使$L(S)$最小化,但计算$P(Y\mid X)$的复杂的非常高,为简化计算过程,可参照HMM的前向后向算法来求解CTC的局部和全局概率。


在输出序列$Y=y_1,y_2,…,y_U$​的句子头尾和每个标签中间添加空白符,表示为$Y‘$​​,即$Y’={b,y_1,b,y_2,…,y_U,b}\Rightarrow y_1^{‘},y_2^{‘},…y_{2U+1}^{‘}$​

其中$b$​表示空白符,$Y$​的长度为$U$​,则$Y’$​的长度为$2U+1$​​。引入$\alpha_t(s)$来表示已经输出部分观察值$x_1,x2,..x_t$,并且到达标签为s的状态的概率: \(\alpha_t(s)=P(x_1,x_2,..x_t,s) \tag{1.5}\) 前向算法按输入序列的时间顺序,从前向后地推计算输出概率。具体计算步骤如下:


\[\begin{align} \alpha_1(1)&=P(b\mid x_1) \\ \alpha_1(2)&=P(y^{'}\mid x_1) \\ \alpha_1(s)&=0, \forall s>2 \\ \end{align} \tag{1.6}\]


\[\alpha_{t+1}(s)= \begin{cases} (\alpha_t(s)+\alpha_t(s-1))P(y^{'}\mid x_t)\space, if\space y_s^{'}=b \space or \space y_{s-2}^{'}=y_s^{'} \\ (\alpha_t(s)+\alpha_t(s-1)+\alpha_t(s-2))P(y^{'}\mid x_t),\space otherwise \end{cases} \tag{1.7}\]


\[P(Y\mid X)=\alpha_T(2U+1)+\alpha_T(2U) \tag{1.8}\]






后向算法由后向前推算输出概率。用$\beta_t(s)$表示在t时刻的标签为s及输出观察概率为$x_t,x_{t+1},…,x_T$ \(\beta_t(s)=P(x_t,x_{t+1},...,x_T) \tag{1.9}\) 扩展输出序列$Y’=b,y_1,b,y_2,…y_u,b\space$的长度为2U+1。则后向算法迭代过程如下:


\[\begin{align} \beta_T(2U+1) &= P(y'_{2U+1}\mid x_T) \\ \beta_T(2U) &= P(y'_{2U}\mid x_T) \\ \beta_T(s) &= 0,\forall s<2U \end{align}\]


\[\beta{t+1}(s)= \begin{cases} (\beta_{t+1}(s)+\beta_{t+1}(s+1))P(y'_s\mid x_t), \space if \space y'_s=b \space or \space y'_{s+2}=y'_s\\ (\beta_{t+1}(s)+\beta_{t+1}(s+1)+\beta_{t+2}(s+2))P(y'_s\mid x_t), \space otherwise \end{cases}\]

CTC Loss计算代码:

// Copyright (c) 2018 MathInf GmbH, Thomas Viehmann
// Licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license
// This is the CPU implementation of the Connectionist Temporal Loss.
// We mostly follow Graves.
// 1. Graves et al:
// We use the equations from above link, but note that [1] has 1-based indexing and we (of course) use 0-based.
// Graves et al call the probabilities y, we use log_probs (also calling them inputs)

#include <ATen/ATen.h>
#include <ATen/Dispatch.h>
#include <ATen/Parallel.h>
#include <ATen/TensorUtils.h>
#include <ATen/native/Fill.h>

#include <numeric>
#include <type_traits>

namespace at {
namespace native {

namespace {

// this ad-hoc converts from targets (l in [1]) to augmented targets (l' in [1]) note that no bound-checking is done
// 用于查看当前位置的label,以便按公式1.7中两种情况进行计算
template<typename target_t>
static inline int64_t get_target_prime(target_t* target, int64_t offset, int64_t stride, int64_t idx, int64_t BLANK) {
  if (idx % 2 == 0) {
    return BLANK;
  } else {
    return target[offset + stride * (idx / 2)];

// This kernel is a relatively straightforward implementation of the alpha calculation in the forward backward algorithm (section 4.1).
// A (minor) twist is that we are using log-calculations to enhance numerical stability (log_probs and log_alpha).
// The function returns the loss and the alphas, the alphas are kept for the backward step. The wrapper (ctc_loss below) hides
// the alphas from the user by only returning the loss.
// cpu版ctc loss 前向计算
template<typename scalar_t, ScalarType target_scalar_type>
std::tuple<Tensor, Tensor> ctc_loss_cpu_template(const Tensor& log_probs, const Tensor& targets, IntArrayRef input_lengths, IntArrayRef target_lengths, int64_t BLANK) {
  // log_probs: input_len x batch_size x num_labels
  // targets [int64]: batch_size x target_length OR sum(target_lengths)
  constexpr scalar_t neginf = -std::numeric_limits<scalar_t>::infinity();
  using target_t = typename std::conditional<target_scalar_type == kInt, int, int64_t>::type;

  CheckedFrom c = "ctc_loss_cpu";
  auto log_probs_arg = TensorArg(log_probs, "log_probs", 1); // log概率
  auto targets_arg = TensorArg(targets, "targets", 2); // 输出label 即 Y'标签
  checkScalarType(c, targets_arg, target_scalar_type);
  checkDim(c, log_probs_arg, 3);
  checkDimRange(c, targets_arg, 1, 3);

  int64_t batch_size = log_probs.size(1);
  int64_t num_labels = log_probs.size(2);
  TORCH_CHECK((0 <= BLANK) && (BLANK < num_labels), "blank must be in label range");
  TORCH_CHECK((int64_t) input_lengths.size() == batch_size, "input_lengths must be of size batch_size");
  TORCH_CHECK((int64_t) target_lengths.size() == batch_size, "target_lengths must be of size batch_size");

  // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-init-variables)
  size_t tg_target_stride;
  int64_t max_target_length = 0;
  std::vector<int64_t> tg_batch_offsets(batch_size);
  // 按照target(输出)维度维度情况取得strie
  if (targets.dim() == 1) { // concatenated targets
    int64_t pos = 0;
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) {
      tg_batch_offsets[i] = pos;
      pos += target_lengths[i];
      if (max_target_length < target_lengths[i])
         max_target_length = target_lengths[i];
    tg_target_stride = targets.stride(0);
    checkSize(c, targets_arg, 0, pos);
  else { // batch * max_target_length
         // dim is 2
    int64_t tg_batch_stride = targets.stride(0);
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) {
      tg_batch_offsets[i] = i * tg_batch_stride;
      if (max_target_length < target_lengths[i])
        max_target_length = target_lengths[i];
    tg_target_stride = targets.stride(1);
    checkSize(c, targets_arg, 0, batch_size);
    TORCH_CHECK(targets.size(1) >= max_target_length,
             "Expected tensor to have size at least ", max_target_length, " at dimension 1, but got size ", targets.size(1), " for ", targets_arg,
             " (while checking arguments for ", c, ")");
  int64_t max_input_length = log_probs.size(0);
  for (int64_t b = 0; b < batch_size; b++) {
    TORCH_CHECK(input_lengths[b] <= max_input_length,
             "Expected input_lengths to have value at most ", max_input_length, ", but got value ", input_lengths[b],
             " (while checking arguments for ", c, ")");
  // log_alpha 用来存储前向各个状态的概率
  Tensor log_alpha = at::empty({batch_size, log_probs.size(0), 2*max_target_length+1}, log_probs.options());
  Tensor neg_log_likelihood = at::empty({batch_size}, log_probs.options());

  auto lpp  = log_probs.permute({1,0,2});
  auto log_probs_a_global = lpp.accessor<scalar_t, 3>();
  auto log_alpha_a_global = log_alpha.accessor<scalar_t, 3>();
  auto targets_data = targets.data_ptr<target_t>();
  auto neg_log_likelihood_a = neg_log_likelihood.accessor<scalar_t, 1>();

  // alpha calculation for the first row, the three equations for alpha_1 above eq (6)
  // first the default
  log_alpha.narrow(1, 0, 1).fill_(neginf);
  at::parallel_for(0, batch_size, 0, [&](int64_t start, int64_t end) {
    // 最外层为batch循环
    for (int64_t b = start; b < end; b++) {
      int64_t input_length = input_lengths[b];  //输入维度即帧数X
      int64_t target_length = target_lengths[b]; //输出维度即label长度Y
      auto log_probs_a = log_probs_a_global[b]; // P
      auto log_alpha_a = log_alpha_a_global[b]; // 前向alpha
      int64_t tg_batch_offset = tg_batch_offsets[b];

      // the first two items of alpha_t above eq (6)
      // 前向初始化
      log_alpha_a[0][0] = log_probs_a[0][BLANK];
      if (target_length > 0)
        log_alpha_a[0][1] = log_probs_a[0][get_target_prime(targets_data, tg_batch_offset, tg_target_stride, 1, BLANK)];

      // now the loop over the inputs
      // 下面就是针对单条音频的前向计算了
      // 外层for为时间帧t,内层为当前帧对应的状态
      for (int64_t t=1; t<input_length; t++) {
        for (int64_t s=0; s<2*target_length+1; s++) {
          // 当前状态s
          auto current_target_prime = get_target_prime(targets_data, tg_batch_offset, tg_target_stride, s, BLANK);
          // this loop over s could be parallel/vectorized, too, but the required items are one index apart
          // alternatively, one might consider moving s to the outer loop to cache current_target_prime more (but then it needs to be descending)
          // for the cuda implementation, that gave a speed boost.
          // This is eq (6) and (7), la1,2,3 are the three summands. We keep track of the maximum for the logsumexp calculation.

          scalar_t la1 = log_alpha_a[t-1][s];
          scalar_t lamax = la1;
          scalar_t la2, la3;
          if (s > 0) {
            la2 = log_alpha_a[t-1][s-1];
            if (la2 > lamax)
              lamax = la2;
          } else {
            la2 = neginf;
          // 当前状态大于1且不为blank、不与s-2相同
          if ((s > 1) && (get_target_prime(targets_data, tg_batch_offset, tg_target_stride, s-2, BLANK) !=
                          current_target_prime)) {
            la3 = log_alpha_a[t-1][s-2];
            if (la3 > lamax)
              lamax = la3;
          } else {
            la3 = neginf;
          if (lamax == neginf) // cannot do neginf-neginf
            lamax = 0;
          // this is the assignment of eq (6)
          log_alpha_a[t][s] = std::log(std::exp(la1-lamax)+std::exp(la2-lamax)+std::exp(la3-lamax))+lamax + log_probs_a[t][current_target_prime];
      // the likelihood is the the sum of the last two alphas, eq (8), the loss is the negative log likelihood
      if (target_length == 0) {
        // if the target is empty then there is no preceding BLANK state and hence there is no path to merge
        neg_log_likelihood_a[b] = -log_alpha_a[input_length-1][0];
      } else {
        // 公式1.8
        scalar_t l1 = log_alpha_a[input_length-1][target_length*2];
        scalar_t l2 = log_alpha_a[input_length-1][target_length*2-1];
        scalar_t m = std::max(l1, l2);
        m = ((m == neginf) ? 0 : m);
        scalar_t log_likelihood = std::log(std::exp(l1-m)+std::exp(l2-m))+m;
        neg_log_likelihood_a[b] = -log_likelihood;

  return std::make_tuple(neg_log_likelihood, log_alpha);

// This is the backward. It consists of two phases:
// a) computing the beta analogous to the alphas in the forward (backward half of the forward-backward algorithm) (eq (10) and (11))
// b) collecting the per-activation characters for all s and wrapping the gradient (eq (16), the collection is the sum)
// ctc loss 后向计算, 注意参数中包含了前向计算的结果log_alpha, 所以过程包括后向计算后的梯度计算及更新
template<typename scalar_t, ScalarType target_scalar_type>
Tensor ctc_loss_backward_cpu_template(const Tensor& grad_out, const Tensor& log_probs, const Tensor& targets, IntArrayRef input_lengths, IntArrayRef target_lengths, const Tensor& neg_log_likelihood, const Tensor& log_alpha, int64_t BLANK, bool zero_infinity) {
  constexpr scalar_t neginf = -std::numeric_limits<scalar_t>::infinity();
  using target_t = typename std::conditional<target_scalar_type == kInt, int, int64_t>::type;
  int64_t max_input_length = log_probs.size(0);
  int64_t batch_size = log_probs.size(1);
  int64_t num_labels = log_probs.size(2);
  Tensor grad = at::full_like(log_probs, neginf, LEGACY_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY_FORMAT); // at this point, this is log of empty sum

  // The admin bits. We don't do much checking and assume that the forward did.
  // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-init-variables)
  int64_t tg_target_stride;
  // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-init-variables)
  int64_t max_target_length;
  std::vector<int64_t> tg_batch_offsets(batch_size);

  if (targets.dim() == 1) { // concatenated targets
    int64_t pos = 0;
    max_target_length = 0;
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) {
      tg_batch_offsets[i] = pos;
      pos += target_lengths[i];
      if (max_target_length < target_lengths[i])
        max_target_length = target_lengths[i];
    tg_target_stride = targets.stride(0);
  else { // batch x max_target_length
    // dim is 2
    int64_t tg_batch_stride = targets.stride(0);
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) {
      tg_batch_offsets[i] = i * tg_batch_stride;
    tg_target_stride = targets.stride(1);
    max_target_length = targets.size(1);

  Tensor log_beta = at::empty_like(log_alpha, LEGACY_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY_FORMAT);  // could be optimized to use only 2 rows
  auto lpp  = log_probs.permute({1,0,2});
  auto log_probs_a_global = lpp.accessor<scalar_t, 3>();
  auto log_alpha_a_global = log_alpha.accessor<scalar_t, 3>();
  auto log_beta_a_global = log_beta.accessor<scalar_t, 3>();
  auto gp = grad.permute({1,0,2});
  auto grad_a_global = gp.accessor<scalar_t, 3>();
  auto targets_data = targets.data_ptr<target_t>();

  auto create_fill_iterator = [](const Tensor& tensor, IntArrayRef squash_dims) {
    return TensorIteratorConfig()
        .set_check_mem_overlap(false)  // Fill is idempotent, so overlap is okay
        .declare_static_shape(tensor.sizes(), squash_dims)
  const auto fill_iter = create_fill_iterator(grad, /*squash_dims=*/1);
  const auto fill_1d_iter = create_fill_iterator(grad, /*squash_dims=*/{0, 1});
  const auto fill_log_beta_1d_iter = create_fill_iterator(log_beta, /*squash_dims=*/{0, 1});

  at::parallel_for(0, batch_size, 0, [&](int64_t start, int64_t end) {
    TensorIterator fill_iter_local(fill_iter);
    TensorIterator fill_1d_iter_local(fill_1d_iter);
    TensorIterator fill_log_beta_1d_iter_local(fill_log_beta_1d_iter);

    for (int64_t b = start; b < end; b++) {
      scalar_t nll = neg_log_likelihood.accessor<scalar_t, 1>()[b];
      auto grad_a = grad_a_global[b];
      if (zero_infinity && nll == std::numeric_limits<scalar_t>::infinity()) {
        // grad_batch.zero_();
        fill_stub(kCPU, fill_iter_local, 0);

      auto log_probs_a = log_probs_a_global[b];
      auto log_alpha_a = log_alpha_a_global[b];
      auto log_beta_a = log_beta_a_global[b];
      int64_t input_length = input_lengths[b];
      int64_t target_length = target_lengths[b];
      int64_t tg_batch_offset = tg_batch_offsets[b];

      // the initialization of beta before eq (10)
      // here we do the fill for each batch item separately, as the input lengths will differ, so the t in which
      // we start varies
      if (input_length > 0) {
        //, b).select(1, input_length-1).fill_(neginf);
            0, log_beta_a[input_length - 1].data());
        fill_stub(kCPU, fill_log_beta_1d_iter_local, neginf);
        log_beta_a[input_length-1][2*target_length] = log_probs_a[input_length-1][BLANK];
        grad_a[input_length-1][BLANK] = log_alpha_a[input_length-1][2*target_length] + log_beta_a[input_length-1][2*target_length];

        if (target_length > 0) {
          auto current_target_prime = get_target_prime(targets_data, tg_batch_offset, tg_target_stride, 2*target_length-1, BLANK);
          log_beta_a[input_length-1][2*target_length-1] = log_probs_a[input_length-1][current_target_prime];

          // the first two are a blank and a non-blank, so we know they are different and we don't need to do log+
          grad_a[input_length-1][current_target_prime] = log_alpha_a[input_length-1][2*target_length-1] + log_beta_a[input_length-1][2*target_length-1];

      // now loop applying eq (10) / (11)
      for (int64_t t=input_length-2; t>=0; t--) {
        // this loop over s could be parallel/vectorized and doesn't really need to be descending...
        // alternatively, one might consider moving s to the outer loop to cache current_target_prime more (but then it needs to be descending)
        // for the cuda implementation, that gave a speed boost.
        for (int64_t s=2*target_length; s>=0; s--) {
          scalar_t lb1 = log_beta_a[t+1][s];
          scalar_t lbmax = lb1;
          scalar_t lb2, lb3;
          auto current_target_prime = get_target_prime(targets_data, tg_batch_offset, tg_target_stride, s, BLANK);
          if (s < 2*target_length) {
            lb2 = log_beta_a[t+1][s+1];
            if (lb2 > lbmax)
              lbmax = lb2;
          } else {
            lb2 = neginf;
          if ((s < 2*target_length-1) && (get_target_prime(targets_data, tg_batch_offset, tg_target_stride, s+2, BLANK) !=
                                          current_target_prime)) {
            lb3 = log_beta_a[t+1][s+2];
            if (lb3 > lbmax)
              lbmax = lb3;
          } else {
            lb3 = neginf;
          if (lbmax == neginf)
            lbmax = 0;

          log_beta_a[t][s] = std::log(std::exp(lb1-lbmax)+std::exp(lb2-lbmax)+std::exp(lb3-lbmax))+lbmax + log_probs_a[t][current_target_prime];
          // one might check whether one can vectorize this better when done after the t-loop...
          // now that we have beta, we fill in the sum of alpha*beta in eq (16)
          // in contrast to the cuda implementation, we only parallelize over the batch, so we don't have a concurrency
          // issue (several s can map to the same target character)
          // collected[b, t, target'[s]] "log+=" log_alpha[t, s]+log_beta[t, s]
          scalar_t log_alpha_beta =  log_alpha_a[t][s] + log_beta_a[t][s];
          scalar_t &lcab = grad_a[t][current_target_prime];
          if (lcab == neginf) {
            lcab = log_alpha_beta;
          } else {
            scalar_t max = std::max(lcab, log_alpha_beta);
            lcab = std::log(std::exp(lcab-max)+std::exp(log_alpha_beta-max))+max;

      // now grad has the sum of eq (16)
      // now we wrap up the calculation by adding in the remaining items of eq (16)
      // this could be a great target for further vectorization.
      // grad is the output gradient, nll is the loss. Note that the likelihood -nll is the Z of eq (16)
      scalar_t gr = grad_out.accessor<scalar_t, 1>()[b];
      for (int64_t t = 0; t < input_length; t++) { // or go for the full thing?
        for (int64_t c = 0; c < num_labels; c++) {
          scalar_t& res = grad_a[t][c];
          scalar_t lp = log_probs_a[t][c];
          res = (std::exp(lp)-std::exp(res + nll - lp)) * gr;

      // zero the remainder
      for (auto l : c10::irange(input_length, max_input_length)) {
        //, l).zero_();
        fill_1d_iter_local.unsafe_replace_operand(0, grad_a[l].data());
        fill_stub(kCPU, fill_1d_iter_local, 0);
  return grad;

} // namespace

std::tuple<Tensor, Tensor> ctc_loss_cpu(const Tensor& log_probs, const Tensor& targets, IntArrayRef input_lengths, IntArrayRef target_lengths, int64_t BLANK, bool zero_infinity) {
  (void)zero_infinity; // only used for backwards
  return AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(log_probs.scalar_type(), "ctc_loss_cpu", [&] {
      if (targets.scalar_type() == kLong) {
        return ctc_loss_cpu_template<scalar_t, kLong>(log_probs, targets, input_lengths, target_lengths, BLANK);
      } else {
        return ctc_loss_cpu_template<scalar_t, kInt>(log_probs, targets, input_lengths, target_lengths, BLANK);

Tensor ctc_loss_backward_cpu(const Tensor& grad, const Tensor& log_probs, const Tensor& targets, IntArrayRef input_lengths, IntArrayRef target_lengths,
                             const Tensor& neg_log_likelihood, const Tensor& log_alpha, int64_t BLANK, bool zero_infinity) {
  return AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(log_probs.scalar_type(), "ctc_loss_backward_cpu", [&] {
      if (targets.scalar_type() == kLong) {
        return ctc_loss_backward_cpu_template<scalar_t,kLong>(grad, log_probs, targets, input_lengths, target_lengths, neg_log_likelihood, log_alpha, BLANK, zero_infinity);
      } else {
        return ctc_loss_backward_cpu_template<scalar_t,kInt>(grad, log_probs, targets, input_lengths, target_lengths, neg_log_likelihood, log_alpha, BLANK, zero_infinity);

// this wrapper function dispatches to the native and cudnn implementations and hides the alpha/grad from the user (by just returning the loss)
// the gradient is implemented for _cudnn_ctc_loss (just in derivatives.yaml) and _ctc_loss and this function has automatic gradients
// it also handles the reduction if desired
Tensor ctc_loss(const Tensor& log_probs, const Tensor& targets, IntArrayRef input_lengths, IntArrayRef target_lengths, int64_t BLANK, int64_t reduction, bool zero_infinity) {
  bool use_cudnn =
      (log_probs.device().type() == at::kCUDA) &&
          log_probs, targets, input_lengths, target_lengths, BLANK);

  Tensor res;
  if (use_cudnn) {
    // non-deterministic ctc loss on cudnn disabled due to inconsistent results
    // see:
    res = std::get<0>(at::_cudnn_ctc_loss(log_probs, targets, input_lengths, target_lengths, BLANK, /*deterministic=*/true, zero_infinity));
  } else {
    // if the targets are on CPU (which you need for CuDNN, let's move them to
    // GPU as a service for the user)
    res = std::get<0>(at::_ctc_loss(
        log_probs,, kLong),
    if (zero_infinity) {
      res = at::where(res == Scalar(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()), at::zeros({}, res.options()), res);
  if (reduction == at::Reduction::Mean) {
    auto target_lengths_t =
        at::tensor(target_lengths, res.options()).clamp_min(1);
    return (res / target_lengths_t).mean();
  } else if (reduction == at::Reduction::Sum) {
    return res.sum();
  return res;

// Convenience function accepting Tensors
Tensor ctc_loss(const Tensor& log_probs, const Tensor& targets, const Tensor& input_lengths, const Tensor& target_lengths, int64_t BLANK, int64_t reduction, bool zero_infinity) {
  TORCH_CHECK(isIntegralType(input_lengths.scalar_type(), /*includeBool=*/false), "input_lengths must be integral");
  TORCH_CHECK(isIntegralType(target_lengths.scalar_type(), /*includeBool=*/false), "target_lengths must be integral");

  Tensor ilc =, at::kLong).contiguous();
  Tensor tlc =, at::kLong).contiguous();
  IntArrayRef il(ilc.data_ptr<int64_t>(), ilc.numel());
  IntArrayRef tl(tlc.data_ptr<int64_t>(), tlc.numel());
  return at::native::ctc_loss(log_probs, targets, il, tl, BLANK, reduction, zero_infinity);

} } // at::native


  1. 语音识别:原理与应用(洪青阳)